and in particular the internationally applicable human rights, as an act of self-defense in application of human rights, as well as the Basic Law and the Civil Code of the Federal Republic of Germany
Documented statement at the Magdeburg District Court of the youngest known politically persecuted and punished German child at the age of six. (2024)
Germany. The land of poets and thinkers, of true diversity and joy, of genuine unique science as well as countless engineering masterpieces, has been contaminated by an inhuman, machine-like organism called:
“de-familialization-business process“ by merging an institutional (”state") and private sector ‘helper’ system with the sole aim of a complete annihilation of Germany's families.
It can be assumed that this is the biggest judicial scandal in German history, the “second German” and this time inwardly directed crime; caught and driven in the web of judicially sponsored intra-family systemic violence. A crime that has created “state” professional structural groupings that always do exactly the opposite of what they claim to do. Professions which, every year, tacitly and “state” enforced, de-familiarize, dispossess and damage the health of around 1.2 million family victims, as well as paralyzing young and old alike into infirmity on a massive scale, provoking and approvingly accepting short, medium and long-term damage with fatal outcomes, including complete country economic bankruptcy.
Under the conditions of a criminal organization, around 400,000 separated children / prey children, 250,000 parents plus 500,000 grandparents, who are innocently persecuted and driven into a lifetime of sadness or, for the most part, into infirmity due to the outbreak of diseases and their acceleration up to death or suicide.
In addition, 250,000 parents annually
insofar as they do not participate in the robbery of the then competing real biology family (German: “Sippe”), at least as accomplices, or
As an alternative or as a consequence, an additional or included 86,000 families have their children snatched from them and placed with an unknown number of foster parents or homes. State funds amounting to 126,000,000,000 euros are obviously misused annually for this step-by-step process of forced family adoption procedures.
A criminal complaint is hereby filed for
which are characterized by a
As an alternative or as a consequence, an additional or included 86,000 families have their children snatched from them and placed with an unknown number of foster parents or homes. State funds amounting to 126,000,000,000 euros are obviously misused annually for this step-by-step process of forced family adoption procedures.
With annual or in the last ten years of people affected::
which, with approx. 250,000 Statista 270,000 i.e. 2.5 million expert opinions, are or have been separated forever as clans, the performance of this affected population is reduced by a corresponding number of more than 70% (in observable and frequently witnessed measurements):
In the case of prey children and prey parents, it can be assumed that they have on average between 20-30 years less lifetime StGB §227 or §226 to VStGB 7, insofar as this is still reflectively possible. A rapid infirmity StGB §226 of the grandparents can also be observed and must also be pursued.
Conservatively calculated (average human life = 80 years), destroyed by the actual destruction of the target groups
which is tantamount to genocide against one's own people, VStGB §8, and defensively reduces or generally ends the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany both in terms of human life and performance, as the performance life phase is skipped, i.e. the old-age diseases and the need for medical care are drawn forward in phase.
That means, to the competition of grandparents with their pension there are at least about 2.5 million previous and now missing beneficiaries in the dependency on meritless money, with the same frequent irrecoverable maintenance prepayment debts, which even hide a false or fraudulent huge liability of the state budget and unnecessarily blackmail masses of beneficiaries to never earn money again or even have to work black to have something left in the fridge. While they know in hatred that all their benefits, for their children under mental, psychological or even physical torture or even abuse - forced adoptees §232 StGB (2) 1st & 2nd - human trafficking incl. Palermo protocol: Bundesgesetzblatt II - 29.12.2005 - 226l , to provide for the welfare of the child's abused parent or childless “foster single parents”, without being allowed to keep enough to live on themselves.
This completely ignores all fundamental rights of equality, Basic Law (GG) §6 and the protection of the family GG 3 or even human dignity GG 1, whereby the acceleration of the terrible “side effects” of parental childbirth is massively encouraged by the infirmity §StGB 226, VStGB §7 and the subsequent excerpts of the causally linked psychological, mental and physical effects StGB §223, §226 VStGB §6.
Taken together, 120,000,000 years of life and service (excluding grandparents) or at least 15,000,000 human lives are mathematically reduced. The 6,500,000 for an already recognized genocide of the Germans, are also reached and exceeded in the case of a genocide VStGB §6 by a German group against the Germans and thereby alone the existence of the Federal Republic is massively reduced by the subsequently listed “professional groups” involved, which corresponds to high treason StGB §81a; eweils systemically by participation STGB §27or incitement STGB §26 of the individual acts in the multiplication of their involuntary customers or their so-called or treated as sub-humans GG§1.
The severability clause applies in the event of scientific errors:
for the derivations, correlations and in particular for the complete criminal complaint.
Should obstacles to investigations arise from individual errors, these must be corrected independently. If necessary, however, the public will be happy to continue to help by providing all the professional leads so that the remaining civil servants are not further hindered in their public service or their duties to stop all crimes. Germ continues to help the population and in particular helps to solve crimes in and around the family courtroom.
Exemplary offenders are publicly named and the power of the fourth estate, as the penultimate measure for the executive, is used in self-defense StGB §32 (1. & 2.) / BGB §227.
Nobody should be able to say: “I didn't know anything.” but only “I didn't want to know anything.” and nobody should be able to say: “What should I have done?” but only “I took part.” or “I helped end the horror.”
Yours sincerely,
Your people's rights consultees - at your further service for the timely/effective clarification and future prevention of the aforementioned crimes against humanity, which has grown into genocide against all those living in Germany.
The labor of an as yet unknown number of still working and not ill StGB §81a and not pushed into the citizen's money StGB §253 to self-defense §227 BGB & §32 StGB → StGB §81a is exploited by considerable additional performance StGB §233, while the co-perpetrators StGB §25(1 or 2) the victims e.g. under..
Germany. The land of poets, thinkers and inventors. Once upon a time.
What has happened? Where have all the top performers, the so-called skilled workers and the next generation gone?
Where do the masses of young adults in psychosocial care who fail in the free economy and never learn a useful profession for society and/or suffer from lifelong attachment disorders come from?
Above all, there is a lack of
and more are missing every day.
The consequences of this are
Quantity reduced products and services available to the population.
The advertising slogan “Employees wanted” became more important for companies than focusing on customers.
On the one hand, 11,000 companies leave our country every year out of bitterness and with deep contempt. This year again. 100,000 well-trained top performers are turning their backs on their home country.
For well-known reasons, too many of them no longer see a future for their home country.
What is disturbing, however, is the cause of the unstoppable increase of 250,000 “adults” in Germany who are unfit for work and life every year.
The inhuman criminal organizations that hide behind a privatized jurisdiction and in reality terrorize their own people, en masse, behind closed doors, by illegally entering families and terrorizing them through
Die menschenverachtenden kriminellen Organisationen, welche sich hinter einer privatisierten Gerichtsbarkeit verstecken und in Wirklichkeit die eigene Bevölkerung, massenhaft hinter verschlossenen Türen terrorisieren, indem sie illegal in die Familien eindringen und sie durch
in order to enrich themselves with money embezzled by the state and to completely rob families of their possessions.
Parents are only kept in check with a theoretical right that only exists on paper (“de jure”), which they can supposedly lose, but in fact do not have, namely parental custody, and with their hormonal Basic Knowledge Physiology Chapter - 10 conditional rights
in ein beschleunigtes Siechtum getrieben. Darüber hinaus endet der künstliche Hass, der seitens der betroffenen Kinder, dann als Hass gegen biologische Geschlechter (der Eltern) und damit die kausal erzeugt massenhaften Geschlechtsidentitätsstörungen ICD F64.
driven into accelerated infirmity. Furthermore, the artificial hatred on the part of the affected children then ends up as hatred against biological genders (of the parents) and thus the causally generated mass gender identity disorders ICD F64.
Obviously there is no functioning separation of powers or institutions that intervene. Public prosecutors are bound by instructions and courts pretend not to be.
On the contrary, especially state-appointed and private monopolistic organizations or freelancers - with sales tax numbers, participate in probably the greatest crime against humanity, while they underhandedly exploit the guilelessness of, especially law-abiding and state-believing parents, in order to enrich themselves personally or other so-called contractors.
Contractors who are measurably not interested in solving problems, but instead are obviously financially favored to fail to produce 400,000 additional (i.e. over four million in 10 years) damned, industrially destroyed and childhood-deprived prey children per year.
Contractors who have complete and well-mannered families, especially grandparents, standing in their way as competition to be destroyed.
Contractors who pretend to help the masses of even involuntary patients, i.e. the families. In reality, however, based on current measurable cases and over 250,000 families added annually, they are failing or purposefully destroying them with inhumane methods in order to get bills paid by the government and maintain the business model.
Our families, the basis of our country's existence, are criminalized and psychiatrized, while the actual offenders are given a permanent “halo” and often even a state-paid job; ... there are now millions of parents who are neither allowed to raise their children nor protect them.
The victims, who form a family and above all the children, are completely destroyed by this socio-economic industry and only understand far too late that they are losing
are robbed.
Once an involuntary client has fallen into the mechanisms of the SGB-abusing human processing industry, families can no longer escape this machinery until they are completely destroyed. To the point of professional, existential and total health destruction.
The longer families are terrorized and defragmented, the more of the healthy population is reduced, which is psychologically tortured in a cruel way and thus slowly wastes away, the more individual prey is made in the form of our children and the more a nationally deceptive and federally fraudulent gross national product is generated in a planned economy.
While the masses can still be deceived and the culprits in the millions of affected families who are destroying millions of children for life are hardly noticed, the truth is inexorably breaking out into the public domain!
Internationally, Germany is now regarded not only as a high-risk country for investors, but especially as a high-risk country for children and their healthy development within their families of origin, due to deliberate decomposition and destruction.
As mentioned above, 11,000 manufacturing companies are leaving our country this year. 11,000 entrepreneurs who have to secure their own future, while politicians chase them away or have them destroyed and publicly profess and display their hatred of their own country and people and openly and indirectly call for the destruction of their own people, which is gratefully followed by too many greedy and sadistic
and sadistic cannibals follow.
A complete family can be replaced with many competing new German professions and medicines, e.g.
Instead of both parents and their disposed and infirm families being allowed to look after their own children, strangers take over the roles of the disposed family members and form the system patchwork family, consisting of
then even replace the patriarchal family judgment of a grandfather and instead of creating reconciliation and peace, participate exclusively in the family destruction process from beginning to end and even artificially both produce and maintain it. Which is then carried out, as is “usual” and “historically” proven, with the German planning, precision and efficiency that is often so highly praised and mentioned abroad.
If families find themselves in a crisis or in an even slightly vulnerable phase, whereby the cohesion and thus the efforts of the individual family members to keep the family together are severely disturbed, regardless of whether this state is temporary or permanent, the perpetrators take the opportunity and easily penetrate the family from the outside and influence individual family members, manipulate and indoctrinate them and thus already put millions of German-speaking families in a systematically helpless situation StGB §221, which hardly any of the families have ever been able to leave again, or through the mass persecution of innocent people StGB §344 and the lack of understanding for the legally defined best interests of the child, the contact and thus the upbringing by both parents BGB §1626(3) for the benefit of the business processes StGB §226 systematically organized StGB §129 hold captive, mock and despise.
This interference can be carried out by private individuals, the social environment or even individual family members, but also in the form of the helper system, which visits the family, usually pretending to support them.
Unfortunately, in most cases this help is not always benevolent, or downright contrary, so that it leads to outright separation counseling or, frighteningly, is even the rule.
So instead of supporting the family in its crisis or easily vulnerable phase, as would actually be the task of the help systems, families are treated as involuntary coercive clients.
The system of helpers proceeds with such systematic, template-like precision and perversion that the parents or families concerned do not understand what is happening to them at the beginning and hardly anyone outside can believe what has happened to these families. Which is why these families have generally not been believed or helped. In this way it is systematically achieved that the broad mass of the population, due to the disturbing and seemingly fantastic stories of the family, as well as those affected themselves, believe that it can only be a terribly wrong individual case or the latest movie, although it is the standard case.
Outsiders and, above all, the victims themselves, who in their personal and terrible distress are understandably unable to grasp the entire situation for the country, thus ignorantly help, especially through the media and victim administration associations, to label the indescribable injustice suffered by the family as an “individual case” myth for the population not yet affected and to maintain the impression of individual sensations. The system keeps its victims mercilessly imprisoned in their personal cycle of visual suffering until their death or even that of their children. StGB §226
Hardly anyone manages to leave this arena of death under their own steam. Even if those affected find each other and join forces to make the population aware of the machinery of destruction in Germany, these plans usually remain mere mind games for the frightened “slaughter animals”, contemptuously referred to as “parents of origin”, who have been driven into paralysis.
Those who nevertheless muster the incredible strength and willpower to defend themselves are subjected to a merciless chase or harassment BGB226 & StGB §240 or legal stalking or coercion StGB §240.
Those who are left at the end find themselves in the battle of David against Goliath, and are thus also politically persecuted under StGB §241a and are forced to make extensive audio recordings in self-defense §227 BGB , where after the admission of this evidence the cruel behavior of those involved in the profession can be publicly proven
From the disposable mass of the people, the involuntary families are particularly popular as customers, who
Since the families, if they were told beforehand what was to happen to them, would hold together with all their strength and fight against it together, the isolation and separation of the family members from each other and from their social environment is carried out consciously and deliberately in stages.
The first step is obviously to check which parent is more cooperative, i.e. more obedient to the system, in the plan to get rid of the other parent, preferably together with their family, by quickly identifying the supposed weak points in this parent's character:
The system is not designed to keep families together or reunite them for the healthy development and future of our country, or as the press put it, “the ruthless one gets the child”.
A seemingly helpless aid system that is riddled with ideologies and unrealistic world views, which is dependent on the flow of money, either
obviously avoids providing help and support where help is urgently needed on a massive scale or refuses to intervene to end the mass systemic psychological or even physical violence against children and parents.
In particular through the partial social loss of the idea of a healthy family or the mockery of the family structures required by law, medicine and the economy, with both parents.
While measures against actual crimes that occur throughout the country are not punished:
against and with convictions of innocent people with extensive health consequences, leading to massive work stoppages nationwide, in which parents and family members defend themselves against mass and, despite refutation, repeated (mostly contrived or not even legally relevant)
in the mistaken belief that your innocence would not be known or even of interest to those involved and decision-makers.
With every resistance against family annihilation, criminalization and psychiatrization, the
who, based on the court's business plan or the attached privatized buiness processes, proceed with prohibited criminal acts as methods against the currently offending parents, including in joint socialized co/ & perpetration, by means of
fraud § 263 StGB and deception§ 263 StGB , etc.
are applied, and thereby the offenses such as
Unconstitutional, contrary to Article
and contrary to human rights against
By means of complicity/perpetration through, among other things
and, moreover, to declare millions of forced adaptation procedures as individual cases or to conceal the mass effects which
by these natural persons or the perpetrators and accomplices by the following professional groups.
All professionals working in the system do not act according to common and natural sense, but against the German Civil Code, according to which the “welfare of the children”, the upbringing or contact by/with “both parents” is already regulated by law, contrary to the untruth spread by the national press.
Judged by their results and legal instructions, these legally affiliated professional offender groups are convinced, on the basis of a mental illness caused by media advertising or because of corruption §263 StGB, that there can or even may only be one parent for children.
Judged by their results and legal instructions, these legally affiliated professional offender groups are convinced, on the basis of a mental illness caused by media advertising or because of corruption §263 StGB, that there can or even may only be one parent for children.
The working privatized family separators form a “bullying” “prey” group §129 to 253 & §255 StGB and invite one parent into this group in order to first extract the other parent, grandparents and siblings or tear them out of the family §StGB §226 & VstGB §7 to §6.
Once the separation of the parents has been successfully initiated §26StGB or supported §27StGB, the parents lose more and more contact with each other, which constantly increases the distrust in the fight for the children against each other and the children in need of protection are severely mentally and physically abused with benevolence or even on instruction, with the mostly successful aim of gradually depersonalizing the children from the second parent or the parent to be disposed of and derealizing them from their own feelings.
This causes a mental illness that is usually incurable for a lifetime StGB §226 → VstGB 7(5) and far too often leads to the suicide of the parents or children StGB §227. Which, insofar as this is the case, will also lead to physical limitations as a late consequence in adulthood. StGB §223
It is true that the longer the parents do not exchange information alone and with each other in an uncontrolled and unobserved manner, the greater the competition for the children and the conflict or Aggression against each other and the smaller the natural competition of the financially oriented people & family murdering band of robbers §6 VStGB: §7(8) VStGB through millions of times §226 StGB & VStGB 7(1) & §227 StGB through millions of times F 48.1 - ICD) in and around the arena of the inquisition = family courtroom §6 VStGB: §7(8) VStGB through millions of times §344 StGB & §226 BGB.
The rights of children under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child are disregarded absolutely and in every form by the perpetrators and accomplices, which in the end only becomes the final axe to legitimize the theft of children through so-called “expert opinions” invented by Nazis = Gutachter = “Dr. Mängele / Dr. Mengele”* at a cost of over 250,000 in Germany every year....
* not mentioned in the german version, because the german fascist belief they antifashist
In the court process and the attached processes, the victim, the abandoned or rejected parent, is legally criminalized unjustly (e.g. through false violence protection procedures) StGB §344 and any law that protects victims and punishes perpetrators is twisted EKMR §9 and mocked. “Children should get used to having only one parent” and are psychologically abused until they give up and consent.
In the court process and the attached processes, the victim, the abandoned or rejected parent, is legally criminalized unjustly (e.g. through false violence protection procedures) StGB §344 and any law that protects victims and punishes perpetrators is twisted EKMR §9 and mocked. “Children should get used to having only one parent” and are psychologically abused until they give up and consent.
The nuclear family is split up by hatred induced by others against the outcast parent, children forget (organically injured to protect themselves from emotional pain) whole chapters in their lives, including skills they have already learned such as reading, even part of the natural sciences or even sporting inclinations, if these have a connection to forbidden parents.
Half the nuclear family with half the family clan and the emotional pain or the side effects of the unresolved conflicts that smoulder in the children lead to incorrect diagnoses, incorrect medication and then to institutionalization. These may disguise themselves as “boarding schools”.
After e.g. sufficient Ritalin use, in the “residential groups”, children's homes, children can be happy to at least come to (e.g. childless / child-needy) paid foster parents who can give them some home.
If the children do not adapt to new families without resistance and resist these experiments or if no special solution (e.g. with cash) can be created, they become “revolving door clients” of the neurological or psychological clinics.
In the isolation / solitary confinement of the children from the parent who has been rejected, the wishes and needs to see their missing parent are usually even twisted as a reproach against this rejected and enslaved parent in accordance with the perpetrator-victim reversal within the
practiced drama triangle. Accusations are also used because the parent belonging to the “bullying” “prey” group is to blame for the children missing their parent who had previously cared for them.
Meanwhile, the children experience, obviously very often on advice and instruction, being ignored or punished when they express feelings or wishes, so that the “undesirable behavior”, i.e. in particular wishes and expressions, e.g. wanting to talk on the phone or see their parents, grandparents or siblings again.
The children and parents, who are still too strongly connected, are initially allowed to see each other regularly and are then gradually conditioned through cruel and usually sadistic coercion to get used to the new reality of life without each other, replacing the parent who is to be cast out far too quickly with a foster parent and acting together with the remaining parent, both overwrite the child's previous positive memories with negative experiences and false memories.
The stronger the parent-child bond between the families to be farmed or exploited and the more emotionally exploitable profit potential or as long as there is enough family property that can be squeezed out in such a way that everyone involved believes that they are doing it voluntarily and until the natural previously deep bond has completely transformed into a gross national product and artificially generated hatred.
The limbic system, which is initially only controlled by painful memories (of a missing parent), fails or deactivates and degenerates, and the connections between the frontal logical and limbic emotional systems are partially or completely unused and thus atrophied. As a result, the emotional intelligence. StGB §226 (3) and thus also parts of the language ability are impaired StGB §226 (1) ,
through the reduction not only of the senses, but the destruction of positive memories that are no longer permitted, of missing
through proganda- “The child must come to rest”, i.e. is neuronally degenerated or hindered in its development.
This leads to partial or complete degeneration of the neuronal “conductive pathways” between the brain and the brain:
and allows the prey children to avoid the painful missing and “consciously”
the memories, which is the starting point of accelerated degeneration and decelerated learning, whereby, for example, speech and thinking speed are significantly impaired.
As a result, the dramatic lifelong effects in the life phases of the respective learning are recognizable, irreparable and never recoverable, i.e. all affected children are sometimes even massively and consciously neuronally damaged!
In particular, the disconnection from the limbic and frontal brain as well as the amygdala produces the same symptoms as recognized psychopathy. “Psychopathy, the inability to feel any kind of empathy or compassion or even the slightest remorse, is one of the most perplexing emotional defects.” S141 EmoInt
“The psychopath's coldness is apparently based on an inability to form more than the most superficial emotional bonds.” S141 EmoInt, which leads to the conclusion that children who have been denied/disrupted attachment to a parent, or whose inability to bond has been artificially created, or whose connections to the limbic system have been destroyed by psychological torture, are at high risk of turning into psychopaths.
“The fact that the brain itself is shaped by” mental or physical ‘brutality - or by love - makes childhood appear as a special window of opportunity for emotional lessons’ or lends itself to the organically measurable destruction of memories or the splitting off of body and soul (dissociation), in which the “abused children” forget “what they have experienced” when it is examined what impressions this “leaves in the brain” or what “cruel impressions are erased” (transformed into cerebrospinal fluid).
Due to “the span of several years and decades” in which the victims
suffer from the “atrocities” (iniquities) and their “consequences of (psychological, physical or already abusive) mistreatment”, mass post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is deliberately created.
“People who are subjected to this torture are no longer biologically the same as” Yale psychiatrist: Dr. Dennis Charney - because ‘Any uncontrollable stress can have the same effect’. S. 256 / EmoInte “It's because of the” uncontrollable “helplessness of feeling subjectively overwhelmed by an event.” S. 256 / EmoInte The victims are also objectively overwhelmed by the judicial bullying prey group and their perceived omnipotence.
“Only the helpless and destroyed as well as the legally hunted experience the stress-induced brain changes.” Which unfortunately affects the largest proportion of the approximately 400,000 prey children, the 250,000 prey parents and even a large proportion of the 250,000 predator parents each year.”
“A” further ”group of changes takes place in the opioid system of the brain, which releases endorphins that dampen the sensation of pain.” S. 256 / EmoInte and thus gives a clear indication of the degeneration of the thoughts and thus the neurons, due to the psychological parent-child “violence” or the abuse or trauma can already be “perceived as beautiful” in various ways.
While the single parents or foster parents are instructed to commit crimes with their children, the parents who are to be isolated become objects of fear.
“Fear conditioning”, ‘by something’ or the parents to be cast out for the children ‘what’ or which ‘ is not in the least threatening ’ or are. ”, such a thing” or someone who ”is feared because it is associated with something frightening.” happens, absurdly enough, by those whom the prey children are then not afraid of, but of the reason, the too-forgotten parent of their punishments. To this end, children are forced to switch off the neocortex in relation to the forgotten parent so that the false fear conditioning against them can no longer be resolved. p. 256 / EmoInte
It is known that they: “exhibit cognitive difficulties in learning, are aggressive and unpopular with their peers”...”, tend to be more depressed and in adulthood often come into conflict with the law and commit more violent crimes.” S. 249 EmoInt This also explains the need or misuse of digital media, as compensation mechanisms are needed by the prey children. There is a general digital escape from a life of sadness and inner loneliness.
“Perhaps the most disturbing thing about abused children is how early they seem to have learned to react like scaled-down versions of their abused” caregiving or remaining single ‘parent’ part.” S. 251 EmoInt
“Like abuse - The repeated experience of...” “ be beaten at will.”, by parents who have to drive the other parent out of their children, prohibits ‘children's natural inclinations to empathy’. p. 249 EmoInt
So much so that it can already be observed how: “at the age of two and a half, the moral impulses of a cruel and sadistic brute” p. 250 EmoInt, due to the previous maltreatment of the child, can lead to them attacking other children of the same age or even younger children and even escalate to infanticide.
“Of course these children treat others as they themselves have been treated.” p. 250 EmoInt This can also explain and clarify, for example, the brutal or at least harassing assaults in the intimate area between the children, which are far outside the age-appropriate curiosity about the opposite sex of the offense.
“These children are not taught empathy and apparently do not learn it at all.” p. 249 EmoInt
Nach der massiven Beeinflussung bzw. Zerstörung des limbischen Systems der Beutekinder wird ein “emotionales Umlernen” und falsche “Genesung vom Trauma” initiiert, da diese durch:
durchgeführt. S. 264 / EmoInte
Obviously, the prey children usually also parentify with the single parent remaining for them, which
These are then “replaced” by mostly false, predetermined and constructed memories, whereby the forced adoption turns out to be a lifelong final family solution for the prey children and also for the rejecting clans and parents.
If the connection was broken off at the age of 11, the de-parenting or “secret” forced adoption procedure is completed at the age of 14, as the parents who are not involved in the upbringing fade away and are banished forever during this phase.
In the last 10 years, around 4,000,000 children in Germany have already been sentenced to systemic half/full orphans for life and thus around 90 percent of those affected to at least mental illness in adulthood. (Academy Munich, Prof. Dr. Oliver FRIECKE, University of Witte - March 2024 )
In adolescence or with the onset of puberty, when children should mature into independent adults, and inevitably one or both parents are wrong beforehand:
where before in the forced adoption process of the prey children were tortured by isolation, which takes years and is artificially prolonged, is then usually finalized.
The rejecting parent now only becomes the state:“producer” for the prey child.
Obviously, this is the reason for the forced separation, regardless of the actual will of the child. All children are directly or indirectly blackmailed into choosing one parent or the new/foster parents over the other.
to “decide”.
These children then do not even shy away from insulting their parents with (strangers) up to false charges §225 StGB to §253 StGB & §185 StGB or. slander. §225 StGB to §253 StGB & §186 StGB What causes depersonalization §225 StGB - F48.1 ICD or thus a persistent personality change, not the result of damage, but the cause, a disease of the brain F62 ICD §223 / $226 etc.? StGB in millions of prey children and too often obviously, with the result of parental replacement medication e.g. with Ritalin, Equasym etc. is confused or deliberately treated incorrectly ICD §223 / $226 etc. StGB.
takes place.
“Fear is the greatest impediment to any learning process,” Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther. The learning process of prey children is significantly reduced if they have to linger for years in fear of losing a parent or falling into sadness.
The “sensitive phase for the development of identity is adolescence” p. 348 Entw.Psych. before the onset of separation and to the obvious forced adaptation procedure, between the approx. 400,000 victim children and the 250,000 parents to be rejected annually to the DEPERSONALIZATION of the children.
“During childhood, the individual areas of the brain develop at different rates. With the onset of puberty, a radical selection process begins in the brain.” EmoInt p. 284
This is where the journey of the forced adoption process ends for most of the 400,000 children who have been psychologically destroyed every year up to this point and who have been forced into this phase of their lives.
children's will to persevere, usually until the age of 10 or 11, which is now due to the developmental phase,
irreparabel verlieren.
This developmental traumatization has a dramatic effect on the attachment system of the now approx. 4,000,000 or 400,000 prey children (annually) that are added to the population, especially due to the separation anxiety that has become a reality, in which, in order to regulate stress in the separation situation, the isolated and rejected attachment figure is forced to be unavailable.
and thus forces a simulation of danger and parental loss, a reorganization of the bond.
Either the resocialization then takes place centrally only on the individual parent and to the liking of the remaining clan such as grandparents or childless aunt, who are now available as a substitute for the disowned parent, or to one or more new partners (or already new/foster parents).
They are forced to say mummy or daddy, who were previously complete strangers and unknown to them. Rejecting one's own parent happens as a constant “everyday event” in the personal protective space, i.e. in a living environment that is supposed to offer protection and security.
have become the daily norm.
“This leads to a loss of basic trust in the world.” S. 254 Bindung&/-Störung
“The clear effects on the stress system” or the ‘affective and physiological dysregulation’ p. 254 “Attachment&/-disorder” GER title: “S. 254 Bindung&/-Störung“ leads to
and the resulting
lead to “tendencies towards survival reactions” e.g.
The effects on attention and behavior control are then:
Children who have already lived through this for several months, reinforced by the child abuse of the child interrogations, which take place without the protection of the family, from this
children's soul sadistic professions extradited, such as
which are characterized by
of family suffering or by the repetition and deliberate prolongation of a dispute, the devastating “clear effects
to increase the own income of the professional co-participants and model offender groups StGB §129, or, if necessary, to work off the fear of healthy people.
Despite the known effects of these developmentally endangering childhood experiences or Adverse Childhood Experiences (AEC) on the destroyed children and the connection they were taught to have with the developmental disorder, as described in the specialist literature.
The children are given the power to rule and stand over their violating parents through the approach of the court proceedings, which are only seen in new specialist books as “system of origin parents” p. 254 Attachment&/disorder p. 295, which leads to severe dissocial distortions, whose therapy (i.e. reconciliation) is deliberately, purposefully and intentionally prevented by all state means, which in most cases obviously initiates or triggers the parentification of the children StGB §225, since the parents' ability to raise their children is undermined by the courts or one parent is even prohibited from doing so.
"A role reversal takes place here, whereby ‘the children’ ‘take on the responsibility of caring for the well-being of a parent’ or their new ‘partner’ p. 254 Attachment&/disorder p. 276 or the previously described emotional, instrumental and usually associated parentification comes into play.
With the “long-term consequences” of an “unstable” and reduced self-esteem, severe depression, deficits in social skills and suicidal behavior, loss of “carefreeness” in children and, above all, their “zest for life”. p 277
While the rejected, ultimately childless parents are isolated from grief or despair, usually suffer severe damage to their health and have to earn money at the highest tax rate to cover the so-called maintenance and accommodation costs for the apparently now master race....
Maintenance and accommodation costs, which in fact must be assessed as the tribute of a slave due to its one-sidedness and legal fulfillment. Although slaves still have the right to life and the right to medical care and old-age provision, and this population group is all too often denied this right through abuse of power.
Disposed (cast out) of or disenfranchised parents can barely afford food or even vital medication and are also socially marginalized. In their secret and false shame, they lose all dignity as human beings in front of their family and the remaining social and professional environment.
The victim's parents become imbalanced between the external and internal world. Psychology for Dummies p. 268, and get caught in the cycle between:
until they die far too soon as a result of fear, grief and hatred, among other things - or until the balance of homeostasis collapses.
The mental and physical pain of the isolated “ex-parent” leads to addiction as a self-treatment, e.g. through alcohol, which is, however, an effect and is often wrongly “diagnosed” as the cause of the overall problem.
Anyone who manages to go to work after all has no chance legally and therefore has a healthy motivation to earn more money, where the poverty line is constantly rising anyway.
Mind you, this applies to adults who were previously high achievers and are now repeatedly portrayed in the media as lazy. Whereas many companies have not yet understood what is going wrong in Germany. Those who do realize it are now leaving the country quite quickly.
“Empathy is a biological disposition.” P 136 EmoInt, as well as the intra-family bonds, which then lead to de-bonding problems or developmental problems up to clan segregation when these dispositions, development or the life process are disrupted en masse.
While the single parents wear themselves out under the double demands to the point of complete exhaustion (burnout), the affected children, parents, grandparents and siblings suffer from the psychological and physical consequences of hormonal poisoning due to the withdrawal of oxytocin and alternating cortisol and nor-/adrenaline surges Basic Knowledge Physiology Chapter - 10:
“Anger feeds anger” p 68. EmoInt : An anger about a problem that is not resolved, no matter how insignificant, which is overlaid with a new anger (i.e.) before the other is resolved, gives rise to anger. ”Every further worry-inducing thought, every perception in this sequence becomes a mini-trigger for the release of catecholamines driven by the amygdala.
These intensify the hormonal force of the previous releases, before the first ones have subsided, the next one comes, followed by a third and so on. Each surge is superimposed on the after-effects of the previous one, so that the body's physiological level of arousal escalates rapidly. in this escalating process, a thought that arises later triggers a more violent anger than one that arises at the beginning.” p 68. EmoInt Which makes it easy to explain the escalation around minor issues, the anger and fear transferred to the children, without having to assume a planned evil intention in every case.
“Anger feeds anger, the emotional brain heats up. No longer bound by reason, anger can easily degenerate into violence.” p.68. EmoInt Also and especially in psychological, physical and even abusive violence, against the parent, alternatively in the remaining child.
“At this point, people are irreconcilable, they no longer allow themselves to be talked to; their thoughts revolve around revenge and retribution, regardless of the consequences.” P 68. EmoInt
“If the emotional brain triggers a strong reaction in the body, e.g. a surge of anger, empathy is not or hardly possible. Empathy requires a certain calmness and receptivity so that the emotional brain can pick up and imitate the subtle signals of another person's feelings.” P 137. EmoInt contact between people is broken off or conducted exclusively at the argument level, resulting in a predominant limbic drive.
“The limbic drive prevails; the worst lessons that the brutality of life has taught us become counselors for action.” P 68. EmoInt
The overburdened single parents instinctively look for a substitute father or mother, insofar as no other resocialization is offered, e.g. with the childless aunt, which corresponds to a forced adoption procedure due to the contact and the associated prohibition of investigation. Contrary to the heroic portrayal of single parents (by the Single Parents' Association), single parents are “burned out” under the double burden or look for a social substitute father or mother, for the mass forced adoption proceedings currently taking place secretly in the family court.
While the Association of Single Parents (“Verband der Alleinerziehenden”), signed by Mrs. Edith Schwab, with obviously alleged or thus fraudulent research results, for probably also their opinion and their actions, “that it”, allegedly, “serves the child's welfare and is the necessary basis for this, to have stable bonds with a person, the primary and closest attachment figure. “ and thus, according to professional principles, openly admits their obvious parentification language to pacify the child, as a (marriage) partner substitute that allows no contradiction after it limbically co-opts the emotions of an ever parent.
She confesses her world view, in which there can no longer be a family picture with two parents or in which breaking off contact is probably “the only and best solution”, with the following words:
“Contact with other people, on the other hand, is not always in the best interests of the child. A distinction must be made here as to whether there is already an established bond with this person and whether this should and can be built up, or whether the child's contact with this person is stressful, anxiety-ridden and therefore harmful for the child, and whether breaking off contact is the only and best solution.” - on the 41st day of existence, a presumably anti-constitutional organization: “VAMV - Association of single mothers and fathers.” (german anti-family lobby: “VAMV - Verband der alleinerziehenden Mütter und Väter.”)
The VAMV, represented by Ms. Schwab, of course, is one of the parties opening the meeting,
of currently at least 250,000 parents, or about 100,000 even with false violence protection procedures, in which obviously only innocent people are prosecuted, while criminals remain at large and are motivated to become even more cruel. Contrary to the assertion that it could be, it is measurable that through the methods and techniques, “the sole position of power...” “and encourages tendencies to ostracize the other parent who does not live with the child” is the rule not the exception.
Whereby the loss of attachment to one parent or the prohibition of education to both parents, the stress caused by the loss, the “Losing someone you love is extremely stressful,”... “even traumatic”. John Bowlby. The famous developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst is of the professional opinion “that the stressor of loss is best understood in the context of attachment.” - “It is precisely because people feel connected to others that their loss can have such a profound impact.” Psychologie for Dummies - S. 295
When parents lose children due to a real death of the child, they express something similar to “It felt like physically dying... Breathing hurt, and from head to toe I feel an all-encompassing pain.” Psychologie for Dummies - S. 295
When parents have their children taken away from them like a calf from a cow, the grieving process never ends for a child who, according to the last contacts, is felt to be virteull deceased at that age, but still physically alive and already aged. Humanity is understandable for everyone (even without professional justification).
“The one thing chronically anxious“ parents ‘can't do is follow the advice they are most often given: ’Just stop worrying” (or worse, “Don't worry, be happy”)” EmoInt - p. 94 or even “Why don't you go away in the evening?” - “Everything will be fine one day.”.
“Where chronic worries seem to be quiet episodes of tonsil stones, you come unbidden”. “And once you've crept in, you settle in, as is your way.” EmoInt - p. 94 As a result, every year around 250,000 additional chronically worried parents become partially and without notice roadworthy or a danger behind the wheel or even in front of a scalpel for the general public.
The parents, who resolve a simulated cognitive dissonance by accepting false information as truth, contrary to their own perception or They even desperately defend their helplessness and despondency, an alternative explanatory model with a focus on what they see as evil: “mothers, fathers, child-greedy and childless aunts, ex-mothers-in-law, life-partnerships, Wessis, Ossis and again Jews”, who are to blame for the fact that children are being destroyed. The hatred is too great.
Professionals very often obviously have a problem reading long sentences, understanding the context or the overall context, let alone the legal requirements.
The anti-family-template-like family processing processes lead to cognitive dissonance in the working population in some or all of the time:
when processing the families “entrusted” to them, easily take a side with which they can best identify, rather than through
If a single parent is supposedly socially unprotected or if the children have already, or despite the chemical lobotomy of Ritalin or other stimulants against the free spirit, become conspicuous again or have been reported by the school as deviating from the norm or even by the now ex-parent for so-called in-custody, the children concerned are suddenly picked up out of nowhere, usually on a Friday afternoon, preferably from unprotected single parents.
80,000 per year, (per case, i.e. several children in one family) of which apparently only a few children are allowed to return to their parents and most of whom are even supposed to be happy to be emotionally and medically resocialized with very well-paid (mostly childless) single foster parents in such a way that they are prepared to deny their origins and suppress the old reality of life for the fictitious feeling of security.
There is a clear tendency for very well-accommodated and educated children of service providers, already in kindergarten or cared for by childminders, from the age of 6, to become the focus of contractual childcare, as with the first parent-child separation, obviously systemically condoned, deliberately caused
is obviously also continued here - in particular, for example, through use:
Have they now been taught to despise the parent belonging to the bullying prey group, together with the professionals in the family destruction industry like them, to despise a parent and their clan and to displace the children by means of already accustomed now higher doses of addictive drugs, the parent to be rejected and now the crowned parent. By increasing the dose, it is easy to continue the same procedure with the prey children, who have already been rendered defenceless, unstable and will-less and easily emotionally controllable, when they are in the home and especially with the new/foster parents.
Not before now do the once crowned parents, now systemically denied, realize that it was never about their rights or even the welfare of the child (now a full orphan) or that the state-paid privatized accomplices were never permanently on their side.
Only now do they slowly realize, at best, only through their own experience, what they have done to the other, already mostly destroyed parent, insofar as they are still cognitively capable of realizing these transfer payments themselves, when they too lose their human rights and, like slaves without human rights, receive money for
and at the same time suffer mental and physical deterioration, possibly falling deeper and deeper into debt or falling into or fleeing from the citizen's income.
Your bred fear phobia of your own, under systemic and personal guidance,
Parents who could rightly take revenge usually prevent a rethink from taking place.
The prey children inevitably become systemic full orphans and, after a stay in a home in most cases, are handed over to the untested but state-paid (also or mostly single) new/foster parents.
Through the
are characterized by the aforementioned processes and their harmful effects for
and economic as well as on the costs for
easily measurable.
The result of this family-destroying industry is, as mentioned at the beginning,
that 11,000 companies are leaving the country and an estimated 300,000 high achievers are leaving the country without hope. In addition, the masses of rejected parents are weighing up where to apply for asylum.
Service providers, who have then kept the door to the room of their forcibly adopted children untouched for years and close it to their hearts, as it were, so as not to attempt or “successfully” carry out the next suicides from the pain of their souls, if they have not already been committed or have died in lonely infirmity, mourn a child who is already many years older than they experience, feel and mourn for them every day, as if these children were dying anew every day.
Forced clients, who usually find themselves in the multi-stage forced adoption process and the resulting destruction of their families and their health, are very rarely aware of the mechanisms of forced adoption.
they are aware of the risks to which they are exposed behind closed doors.
The job titles used and the intentions feigned lead all forced family clients in the forced adoption process into fatal erroneous assumptions and behaviors that divide the family clans, which are divided into two fronts against each other.
In order to do this with psychological perfection, an ideal group size of five rulers in the courtroom is used as a prelude to family management:
and the cooperating (obedient) parent is incorporated into the preying winner group beforehand in order to destroy the other parent, than to expose oneself to this danger of childlessness and enslavement, which in most cases leads to early death due to infirmity.
In most cases, these parents are then subject to the superiority of the group of the new master race, their survival instincts or the superiority of the group, or they voluntarily offer themselves to the group through psychological or physical violence already carried out and reported against the parent to be rejected.
While the victim parents, no matter what evidence they present and prove for their innocence or abilities as parents, already provable by healthy and intelligent children, they are gradually persecuted by inhuman sociopathized group judgments to less and less contact up to the prohibition of contact, among other things and especially for their children: CRIMINALIZED and INNOCENT, dehumanized, financially exploited and deliberately destroyed in terms of health.
For affected children, the allocated and increasingly reduced contact times mean that they first become Uncle Dad or Auntie Mum, i.e. superfluous in everyday life, and usually with the onset of adolescence, or at the formal operative phase, they are finally isolated from this parent who has faded or disappeared from everyday life with months of preparatory ILLEGAL PROHIBITION OF CONTACT and in the end offered for the children's interrogations, which the tormented children's souls accept “willy-nilly”.
In most cases, the children are not really afraid of the rejecting parents, but of the malicious strangers who prove their inability to raise their own children, who are often suicidal and mentally ill, or who openly practise polygamy or their own loss of commitment and fidelity.
Before that, other professions help to replace the entire family, the enemy, in a capitalist way.
While grandparents and, in some cases, siblings would usually provide free services for the families and thus also for the state, their tasks are prohibited in clan custody and penalized by the ban on contact. Other professions must also be contravened illegally and classified as endangering the welfare of children in order to increase the illegal or embezzled state expenditure and fraudulent gross national product, for example:
and in competition with the parent who has been cast out, and the grandparents or siblings taken into clan custody, among other things a
The visit to a (fake-)psychologist, and the prescription of self-alienating and addictive drugs to counteract the addiction that is now being treated away
is part of the standardized business process.
The sociologically developmentally disturbed children are brought onto “track”, into devotism and maximum cadaver obedience, especially with chemical voice stimulants, in order to be able to continue to exist as a machine-like functional unit and also to “prevent” admissions, deportations to homes or to paid new/foster parents or to a farm abroad, in order to then even disappear forever.
Depending on the designations, tasks and the mutual dependencies on each other for their actual profit intentions, the interlinked and personal, even lower motives, the boundaries of
or even mock them derisively after a certain period of familiarization.
A group dynamic that has been set in motion once will continue even if individual accomplices exchange ideas. This is because anyone who opposes established procedures or even a political will that mocks the law and may be contemptuous of the country and humanity, or even denounces crimes committed by the prey collective, will be removed from this collective if they do not fit in with the team.
Because only the emotionless or at least those who quickly submit to the groups, who have also had their ability to use mirror neurons or their own limbic system neuronally dismantled in childhood through parentification or mistreatment of those they protect, or who have had a fixed program programmed into their amygdala (e.g. through emotional pain), do not make the emotionless afraid (of being caught) and are thus recruited into these family predator professional circles. The emotionless are not afraid (of being caught) and are thus recruited into these professional circles of family predators, where lack of conscience is the basic prerequisite for the ability to commit crimes in the alleged name of the law.
“It's up to the parents.” is a group advertising slogan for all those involved in professional failure and driven by money. StGB §26
The language morals of systemic offenders
Using their own language and masses of documented court rulings, all system perpetrators confess to the uncontradicted dehumanization of the prey children as a “thing” - a child commodity.
“Objects within the meaning of the law are only physical objects.” The German Civil Code (BGB) states this unchanged in paragraph BGB = civil rights §90. However, the family courts insist and admit that [the] children are objects for them, with fewer rights than animals BGB §90a.
All perpetrators of the system act against the dignity of children and parents and thus against “human dignity” and thus in violation of the Basic Law by treating family members, especially children, as sub-humans or family spoils of war and disposable assets.
The business model of empathy-free co-perpetrators
For the (slaughter) of the family heritage or the potential for profit maximization, for all “trades” and maintenance of the stress concept or the procedurally required repetition rate (order continuity) at court or, if applicable personal, ideological or systemic final solution or achievement of the final goal, a weighting of the preferred parents to be violated or given special treatment (harassment) is effective for the selection or role allocation and is usually carried out with personal deviations of the decision-makers / bullying prey group in each case.
In the allocation of roles, the motivation for separation and attachment to the child as well as the ownership structure is obviously weighed up as a family profit factor, unless a local political instruction has been issued to the judiciary against, for example, one gender or origin. A “Judas” is chosen who is less capable of commitment / more intolerant of commitment and should therefore be easier to separate or keep the family-court financial engine running: inducing disputes through continuous consent of the trades, through ever new proceedings. Forcing the shocked, then ex-partner or only producer/IN for the child to fight back, initially unintentionally, then escalating, but never to any positive benefit, no matter how much is proven. Particularly gullible, fearful people are also suitable as Judas, or those who, in response to blackmail, complete the brutal separation of the child-parent relationship without informing the then ex-partner (e.g. with the wrong political opinion) or implement the forced adoption. People with empathic disorders in particular, who do not scare the professional offenders like emotionally healthy people, are also suitable for inclusion in the offender groups.
The following human family economic units are subdivided into the respective financial roles or “perpetrator types”, which forcibly and usually unjustifiably replace the family, as well as the motives resulting from the business process:
Through a mutual confirmation in circular reasoning (the anti-forensics of gossip) and the primary data flow (which violates the privacy of all families) and, as a rule, the data avoidance of unnecessary, or deletion or correction of otherwise incorrectly evaluated data, by file flow, or possibly additional obvious regular (unauthorized) agreements.
Based on context-based measurements and observations, it must be stated that almost all professional groups have become so-called alexithymics. In the vernacular: referred to as cold-hearted soul vampires; emotional blindness.
The usual group mechanisms of bullying are at work here, in which the sub-human (declared unworthy parent), who may change every two hours, must be judicially hunted down and destroyed.
The lack <greek:a> of words <lexis> for feelings <thymos> or actually being able to describe them or, above all, empathize with others, is lost on everyone involved, such as employees in the slaughterhouse, or is not even present when they are hired or commissioned.
“They give the impression of being different, alien beings who come from a completely different world and live in a society dominated by emotions” S.73 Peter Sifenos EmoInt, Harvard-psychiatrist and have ‘a limited’ (learned) ‘vocabulary’. S.72
Alexithymics and thus equally symptomatic “Psychopaths are also skillful liars who are willing to say anything and get what they want and with the same cynicism they manipulate the emotions of their victims” p.73 - “They even seem to lack the feelings themselves.” p.72 EmoInt
No conscience or compassion for
Quite the opposite:
Obviously, the majority of them enjoy the suffering they cause.
“This inability to empathize with the suffering of their victims allows them to convince themselves of something that encourages them to commit their crimes,” EmoInt p. 139 or whereby they, too, commit the crimes to which they
which the professional sociopathic group of the respective criminally organized groups pretend to be “moral”.
They best solidarize with their peers, the emotionally crippled and thus conscience-liberated alexithymics. This intersects, as it were, with their family-destroyed origins or/and present and thus their preferred state-destroying semi-family model and their insane family-core-splitting concepts.
This means that the connections atrophy between
obvious or become obvious after psychic separation between
no longer used S.74 EmoInt / “People without feelings” “Menschen ohne Gefühle”
or is partially (sociopathically controlled) or already completely dysfunctional, whereby the alexithymic corresponds to the neurological (detectable by brain MRI) psychopaths who are completely (also with their own clan) crippled by compassion.
Atrophy means that some areas of the brain thin out neuronally and die out, turning into cerebrospinal fluid (i.e. black areas in the MRI) forever.
“In short, the circuits in the brain seem to respond with feelings, but the neocortex cannot categorize these feelings and add the nuances of language to them.”
The permanent suppression and denial of:
makes the loss of measurable brain mass and thus the acquired knowledge appear explainable, but this does not excuse the crimes or treason against our people or even free the people from the cruel consequences and the perpetrators from the guilt that must be mercilessly punished.
Healthy people seem strange to them, they are obviously afraid of people with emotions.
“They also find it difficult to distinguish between emotions and physical sensations”, p.72 EmoInt whereby they lead a (sequential) multi-polygamous lifestyle and falsely regard this self-exculpation as ‘healthy’ and deny their compulsive clients, who have real emotions, the resources (abilities) for parenthood. It is not possible for them to recognize the emotional pain, especially of children and their associated behaviors, which cannot resist the interpretation and its serious to fatal consequences, to interpret correctly and to act compassionately or according to professional responsibility.
If parents resist, they are pathologized and, even worse, unjustly prosecuted legally and politically.
As a result, professional groups of perpetrators jointly maintain themselves in a group “delusion”, “despite evidence to the contrary” Psychology for Dummies p.309 resp. indoctrinate the remaining rejecting parents selected by them or even already the new/foster parents, who as often childless or due to their perverse instinct about children becoming free, unchecked by the state for educational ability, They earn a lot of money every month which they can be “happy” about, while the whole family suffers from abduction and torture, which points to schiozophrenic or deliberately dishonest professional offenders StGB §25(1) or even offender circles StGB §25(2).
Due to the permanent extreme stress and the constant change of the processed dehumanized disposal mass, the family-destruction-professionals seem to have disorganized speech and thinking, as they can obviously neither understand nor correctly reproduce the information contexts.
In addition to a “temporarily disoriented way of speaking and thinking” in which the professional family exterminator executioners “later have no idea what they themselves were talking about” or what the other person was talking about, the professionals (not doctors) diagnose others on their own diagnosis or hand over and overestimate themselves excessively - see “Dunning Kruger Effect”.
The more intelligent the prey or family disposable mass, i.e. the parents to be isolated and/or even destroyed, are, the more dismissive the self-important functionaries behave or pathologize the higher intelligence as a defensive attitude and/or insult more intelligent people who use words that the “shallowly educated” do not understand, e.g. as being confused and/or suffering from a “delusion”.
The victims make more and more effort to be understood, to convince the bullying prey group of their innocence and thus often fall into dream loops, as they do not understand that the system perpetrators were no longer or never blessed with a reasonable EQ / IQ due to their lifestyle or are simply partially neuronally (limbic and cortex) crippled - “i.e. blessed with a very simple mind and often limited vocabulary”, but empowered over them.
In addition, clear “negative symptoms” p. 310 - Psychology for Dummies can be recorded, where the “absence of usual or expected behavior” p. 310 - Psychology for Dummies and furthermore e.g.
can be observed / measured.
The sense of justice and injustice, which psychologically translates as “basic trust in the rule of law” and is shaped by the families, which is supposed to create loyal citizens, is and has been disrupted in all affected family members. Approximately 400,000 children are (additional) parented and deprived of their childhood every year.
The wrong or already criminal behaviour of the parents selected as worthy of life is constantly legitimized and thus reinforced §27StGB against the affected, now prey children and the parent to be violated, by the clearly (almost) always one-sided behaving court, since only one parent illegally grants the children and is of the opinion that the “children have to get used to it.” Family Judge Marie Reinhardt, Magdeburg District Court, during a false protection against violence procedure.
The parents to be rejected (isolated) practically become sub-humans.
The controlling parents are conditioned to become master-men, to whom this then “goes to their heads”, so that they can act without consequences, possibly with the consent and then standardized process-optimized perpetrator-victim guilt reversal, during the approx. 100,000 violence protection proceedings and prosecution of innocent StGB §344 parents under the appearance of a feigned “pseudo-violence protection or court proceedings” StGB §263 & §344.
Every year, the judges and subsequent co-perpetrator types take part in
and therefore
The far too often, far too young youth welfare office employees are obvious:
and are therefore obviously unable to distinguish between truth and untruth, or have adopted their own morals from a group or even on the basis of economic targets, whereby they adopt unnatural models without reflection. They are obviously mostly unable and unwilling to change their perspective or can already be blackmailed by their complicity within social captivity.
Very young adults (almost still children)
are used according to a timetable to break up families further and further.
Widespread untruths that are contradicted are then usually “shot down” by mentioning greater untruths, as the cognitive and character aptitudes for reflection, accumulation and actual correction of the wrongdoings are lacking. And furthermore, to basely “pathologize” the slandered person through a further systemic perpetrator-victim reversal, since they can ultimately “do what they want” with their forced clients and it is left to their discretion with which of the two parents the child is allowed to live and for how long, and which parent is selected for infirmity and financial exploitation or slavery.
The results of the surveys, usually “researched” by one parent, i.e. one-sidedly and therefore mostly incorrectly, are passed on to courts and guardians ad litem in accordance with the world view or the current ideology of employees, who are often unfamiliar with life and education, of an obviously case number-oriented municipal company of the respective city or district.
The data subjects do not find out which data has been recorded, or have no possibility of influencing the correction of incorrect data, or requesting the deletion of unnecessary data or data that violates privacy (without a court order, e.g. for the police).
Apparently, draconian measures are ordered and even carried out in the case of false reports (arbitrarily without a court order or disregarding such an order and usually without official status), while demonstrably worrying reports are consistently ignored or psychologically pathologized.
that means
So that children do not, at the age of 13 or 14, rebel against this inhumane treatment and demand a change of custody themselves or even take revenge, they must become a systemic half-orphan at the age of 10 or 11 or 12 at the latest, through child interrogations, which are usually perceived by the children as frightening and unpleasant persons who “correspond to child abuse” - StGB §225 - Jürgen Rudolf families.
In accordance with a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, their recommenda tions have a decisive influence on the judicial decision.
Guardians ad litem abuse children in child interrogations StGB §225 / Family judge: Jürgen Rudolph until their will breaks and the children (e.g. to avoid these traumatic experiences) learn to put up with one parent.
By specifications, according to the Federal Constitutional Court, the recommendations:
judges who come to different decisions would have to write their own explanatory memorandum, which would, however, be very disruptive to the regular operation and possibly the obvious political instructions.
As a rule, it is not even possible for them to actually form a picture of extremely long and complicated family circumstances or contexts in the shortest possible time, and even if they demonstrably do so, they still follow the guidelines of the collective authorized by the Federal Court of Justice through the judge in the alleged “decision”.
A judge whose knowledge in these areas has not been proven may only be assigned the duties of a family court judge if it can be expected that he or she will acquire this knowledge in the near future. The requirements set out in sentences 3 and 4 may be waived in the case of judges who are only involved in the performance of family court duties as part of an on-call service, if otherwise the proper operation of the on-call service, which is reasonable for the judges concerned, would not be guaranteed. “(3) The divisions for family cases shall be staffed with family court judges. A probationary judge may not perform the duties of a family court judge in the first year after his or her appointment.”
Obviously, contrary to the Judicial Constitution Act (GVG), § 23b (3), which stipulates that: “Judges in family matters shall have demonstrable knowledge in the fields of
unsuitable and unwilling to learn are assigned to such tasks.
All or almost all family court proceedings only pretend to be a court proceeding about law, justice or at least the avoidance of greater harm and deceive the children, parents and indirect grandparents.
The judges are aware of the family half-life of court proceedings and leave their coerced clients in the dark about the usual outcome fraudulently StGB §263.
Im Familienrecht, “werden Sie keinen Anwalt finden, der Sie nicht verrät", bezeugte Richter Claus Plantiko, der in Handschellen abgeführt wurde.
Most “family lawyers” are the main instigators StGB §26 of the approximately 100,000 false violence protection proceedings or the prosecution of innocent persons StGB §344 or are already serving in parallel in a change of roles as guardians ad litem.
Most settlements of court aid are to be classified as misappropriation of state funds, as they never settle the dispute in the best interests of the child, but merely escalate it. StGB §263 & §266
As a financially favored “soldier of the dispute”, the term mediation is used contrary to the actual task of mediation (lat. “mediare”) between the parental will and the resolution of mostly petty conflicts, it is obvious that for the economic success rate of the “collective”
by (mostly):
with (obviously) own
living conditions.
Educated people take longer to realize that it is more of a submission ritual under cognitive dissonance, especially to:
By means of constant continuation or participation in obvious division into:
the “master race” (also in mediation, as in court as well as in the youth welfare office and otherwise in the “anti-helper system”), i.e. parents-I, are conditioned to become tyrants against their own family with every session, because they:
are the people affected and among
suffer as well as
Equipped with ultimate power and in pedagogical arbitrariness, so-called contact supervisors subjugate the parents in front of their children and rob them of their human and parental dignity GG Article 1, before they break off the contact and obviously still get paid for the visits that did not take place, StGB §263(?). They coerce StGB §240 in different and perfidious ways the parents with arbitrarily defined insane pedagogy and thus indirectly mistreat StGB §225 the prey children, who have to experience how parents are not allowed to be parents and these prey children are now obviously supposed to take over the parenthood BGB 1666(1) - mental injury StGB §225.
Even if one of the perpetrators from the group of contact escorts obviously molests little girls in the intimate area in the presence of the mother and the mother is threatened, this leaves the judge cold. Even criminal applications against those involved do not lead to any substantive dialog, but only to even harsher or even draconian measures / sanctions against the victims.
No known contact supervisor returns the children to their parents. Every contact escort participates StGB §27 in the depersonalization of the children, as a co-principal offender StGB 25(1) as part of a criminal association StGB §129, spies on private data StGB §202a and passes it on to the courts for business purposes, among others, which corresponds to regular data theft StGB §202d.
Als letzte Instanz und Bestätigung für die korrekte Ausführung, der Familienzerstörung und dem gebrochen Widerstand der Beutekinder, die sich mit der Beutegruppe assimilieren bzw. von sich selbst weg depersonalisierten F 48.1 - ICD 10., werden überteuerte Gutachten von zweifelhaft qualifizierten Personen durchgeführt, in der in der regel keine tatsächlichen Diagnosen aufgeführt werden, sondern nur ein wirres Konzept an unwissenschaftlichen bzw. empirisch gegenteilig belegbaren Befunden, erstellt und darüberhinaus noch den Opfern viel zu viel Geld abgepresst wird, die auf ein gutes Ergebnis für Ihr Geld hoffen.
Alle Ergebnisse sind vorherbestimmt. Es gibt bist keinen nachweisbaren Fall, wo das Gegenteil der Fall ist und echte Diagnosen zu den richtigen Beurteilungen führten. Darüberhinaus gibt es den Gutachter nur für Vieh, Zuchttiere BGB §90a oder Gegenständliche Sachen BGB §90. - Nicht für Menschen!
Den Opfern werden wie auch bei den anderen Gewerken zunächst Verständnis vorgetäuscht, um sie arglos zu machen und Daten auszuspähen und wirtschaftlich gegen ihre Opfer an ihre Auftraggeber (nicht Bezahler) weiterzuveräußern bzw. gegen Sie entsprechend der offensichtlichen Vorgaben VstGB §3? anzuwenden.
Gutachter erwecken den Anschein der Medizin, und bzw. täuschen hier falsche Tatsachen vor. In keiner Weise, geht es hier wie in der Medizium darum:
sondern nur ums Gegenteil,
Mit staatlich missbrauchten Mitteln bezahlter Ersatzeltern sowie Ausspäher von privaten Daten, die gewerblich (als Datenhehlerei mit Rechnungen belegt) an die anderen Gewerke zur weiteren Auswertung und Nutzung getragen werden.
Paragraph §129 of the (german) Criminal Code explains and assures the people:
(1) 1. A custodial sentence not exceeding five years or a monetary penalty shall be imposed on anyone who founds an association or participates as a member in an association whose purpose or activity is directed towards the commission of criminal offenses punishable by a maximum custodial sentence of at least two years.
2. Anyone who supports such an association or recruits members or supporters for it shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty.
(2) An association is an organized grouping of more than two persons for the pursuit
of an overriding common interest that is intended to be of a long-term nature and is
independent of a definition of the roles of the members, the continuity of membership
and the characteristics of the structure.”.
The following, regularly (at least 250,000 times a year) in approx. 600-1000 groups, i.e. per group approx. 100 to 250 times p.a. (per year), interlocking offenses, primarily first against the group of prey children, who are initially only allowed to keep one parent and then possibly none at all, are directed or at least causally contributed to / caused, are structured as follows:
and structured themselves via professional association(s), the almost 100% family separations and thus approx. 250,000 times or already approx. 2,500,000 times annually destroyed family health VStGB §6 & §7(8)..
By splitting up the family, by preventing communication from actually taking place or humanly equal coexistence without threats, blackmail, legal stalking, insults, slander or even political persecution of parents, the clan liability of grandparents, among others, and the mass collection of data or the permanent misjudgements that can be derived from it lead to the eternal escalation of the most banal family disputes and usually not a single de-escalation.
Through the interrogation of children, which is carried out by several people until the result meets the expectations, according to the world view or the business plan or other lower reasons of the “decision-makers” - in which only the selected parent is initially allowed to remain and live as such, the children concerned are repeatedly and severely coerced, especially in the transitions from the preformal to the formal operational phase (around the age of 11).
since the prey children allegedly have to decide (but illegally) BGB 1626(3 between mom or dad, after they had previously been gradually,
the parents (and pending grandparents) are increasingly removed from the reality of their lives StGB §235 and furthermore criminalized StGB §344.
Particularly at the beginning of the transition from the 11th to the 13th year of life. from the preformal to the formal operative phase, in which the children critically question their parents and begin to defend themselves against the psychological abuse suffered by them as wards, the child's rejection of a parent who is now supposedly worse for the child is evaluated as an allegedly personal decision by means of the control of guilt, usually for good, gradually enforced, so that the child is brutally subjected to clan separation StGB §226 → VstGB §7(8) for a lifetime, especially after the causal death of the then dying StGB §226 → VstGB §6 parents and grandparents as well as siblings, often with fatal consequences.
While the children, albeit detrimental to their health, are then, according to now no longer possible reassessment of the situation not with both parents, but only with one parent or the reduced or new living environment provided for assimilation, which leads to a gradual forced adoption (e.g. by the remaining parent themselves or their new partner) of the child, albeit with a different court order and without consent.
In the process, the grandparents (insofar as there is still transitional and already greatly reduced contact) are conditioned in such a way that they must also distance themselves socially from the child and are not allowed to mention the other parent until the children have also come to understand from the grandparents, who are then slowly fading away, This then leads to the distribution of the 400,000-fold diagnosis of depersonalization disorder by (almost) all children through the gradual and repeatedly enforced verbal distancing from the insecure and distant in the reality of life for their own safety. 000-fold diagnosis of depersonalization syndrome - F48.1 and thus also mass bodily harm, accepting the consequence of death through subsequent suicide or physical sequelae, e.g. lifelong sadness, are the causal terrible effects.
The catastrophic medical consequences for the
or that masses of organized new professional groups with fraudulent designations compared to the measured performance or almost 100 contrary, i.e. opposite results.
Natural or healthy family clans / social structures consist of,
a close social environment
incoherent social environment
The Substitute system competition for healthy family clans / social structures, self-motivated and self-empowered “anti-family helper system”, consisting of:
with the systemically directed walk to the “family” or “clan scaffold”, which the real family as competition, which are then contemptuously referred to in the already changing specialist literature as “families of origin” or “system of origin”, contemptuous of human rights like breeding animals.
The ideological attitude of maximum single-parenthood divides parents into breeding cows and breeding bulls (88% mothers, 12% fathers) and exploits the other 250,000 mothers and fathers financially and in terms of health, or even unilaterally incites or even pressures them to participate and share in the spoils of the other parent and then forces the prey children to participate in crimes against their own parents.
The following economic rules apply to gradual de-familialization:
which the protagonists involved, who obviously assume that they can exploit and mistreat or ideologically re-educate the masses at their disposal or obviously even conduct (possibly their own) experiments.
When compared in a table, the combinations result from the system of the FamFG interpreted in this way or the wrong way round (i.e. with legal effect) and under-applied BGB, which have been ignored up to now and have not been stopped up to now or even, if still possible, the extent of the damage would be limited as quickly as possible by ending the millions of injustices.
No matter how
almost always leads to the same result of a so-called failure of the system, albeit a successful destruction of the family and exploitation of all family assets - StGB §253 & §249 and therefore to the embezzlement or misappropriation of all available state funds StGB §263.
The stronger the child's mutual bond is or was with the parents, grandparents and siblings, the greater the damage caused by the emotional break-up.
The greater the willingness to make sacrifices
from the part of the parent to be cast out or to sacrifice the system and financially, as well as on the part of the entire dependent family, the greater the damage to health and the faster the deadly effects of the infirmity, the inheritance, are released.
The stronger the child's attachment to the parent to be rejected, the stronger and crueler the impact on the child.
mental, emotional and physical health with epigenetic effects on up to four further generations, insofar as
is then still available. In economic terms, healthy families are particularly interesting as sources of customers for the release of funds for financially oriented participants or have obviously become the focus of this “robber baron system”, which robs children, possessions and all other lives and endows a few with this power, while the parents are blackmailed into participating until they die of infirmity or commit suicide.
The greater the bond and thus the greater the willingness to protect and defend, or the greater the willingness to make sacrifices (especially financial ones) and thus also the exploitation of a drain-out effect, which leads to disinhibition (the greater the spending behavior for a goal (here “fighting for the children”)), which too often dissolves the entire family inheritance or all financial security (“down to the last shirt”).
Meanwhile, the personality of the prey children is dissolved by breaking up the natural family concept, as there is only one parent and there is no longer any control mechanism for individual upbringing and care, and furthermore, by empowering psychological or physical torture for the prey children becomes the order of the day.
The prey children thus become powerless, renewed hunters of society, in which they are at the mercy of the remaining power-abusing parents and either remain dependent for the rest of their lives or these parents are then expelled or even murdered by their children. Dipl. Psychiater Meißner / Saalfeld
Contrary to all expectations, there is
which offer a legal solution or psychological recovery path for the families in order to justify even one of the billions of euros. But in turn are used to establish an alleged help system for the families in a private sector profit-oriented manner, offering no help, but only a maximum share in the financial family loot and legal manhunt.
I.e. victims who are looking for help,
Example case: 30 professionals involved, no chance for an abused (already parentified and allegedly abused) child to be able to seek protection from the mother.
All complaints offices and aid organizations are a HOAX, means a scam.
Because they only inform the people who have been complained about so that they can use their power to take revenge on the preying parents who do not comply.
Any criticism is unwelcome..
In the vacuum of the helplessness of the official authorities, various other groups and associations offering help were formed, e.g. VafK, which primarily contribute to the acceleration of infirmity. Sometimes through false promises of benefits through memberships StGB §263 and obviously instructed to keep the “feet” still, those victims selected to accelerate death, who do not want to understand that associations or parts of the associations work systemically and partly self-appointed “leaders” either through their own CV or with the promise of dealing with their own child have already been blackmailed StGB §253 and mostly traumatized and infantilized in their own hopelessness.
In other words, where help is expected, no help can be given. Ultimately, this is a deception within a systemic “downward spiral”.
Abused parents are “fished out” as their clients by self-appointed experts, possibly with their own associations, who are so desperate that they even sacrifice child support in the hope of regaining contact with their children through the courts under false promises. Before and in court, however, it often becomes apparent how these supposed “helpers” turn criminally against their victims.
All family annihilation proceedings must be stopped nationwide because all family judges and the entire pseudo-helper “industry” are under general suspicion of participating in the genocide in Germany
to participate.
All family court judges and the entire pseudo-helper “industry” must be dismissed immediately in order to prevent further damage caused by “imminent danger”.
All families must be reunited immediately.
With the opportunity to learn the truth about the prevailing situation in order to
By giving the population back a justified hope, combined with justice, through the intervention of an activated national and international executive (criminal court in The Hague, BKA, LKA and state police, etc.) and justice is restored to them, which opens the door to understanding and thus forgiveness and brings an end to hatred, treason is ended.
All offenders identified in the “family court files” are to be remanded in custody.
All detained children must be released and returned to their parents immediately.
All those wrongly convicted and hundreds of thousands of legally persecuted parents must be certified as innocent and given the opportunity for rehabilitation.
All :
must be immediately returned to their parents by national and international law enforcement agencies.
Agreement or reversal of custody
All parents who are no longer able to accept the other parent for the benefit of the children or to establish communication, sometimes documented by years of court proceedings, are required to come to an agreement on a parental level.
If this is not possible, the successful concepts of the Cochem practice of Judge Jürgen Rudolph are to be invited with public binding invitations to exclusively securely supervised one-on-one meetings.
All parents who do not show a willingness to cooperate with the other parent in terms of co-parenting and correcting the injustice must transfer all children under the age of 14 to the other parent without violence and with psychological support (BGB 1666(3)). The willingness to cooperate must then be checked again three to six months later. In extreme cases, family psychotherapeutic support should be demanded or even ordered by the parents themselves on their own responsibility, e.g. in the form of a parent-child cure.
As a rule, families self-regulate their problems after the bans on self-regulation and this mass crime against humanity have been lifted through mass judicial prosecution and all 100,000-fold heroic parents have been publicly decriminalized.
All professionals who participate (in time) in their active repentance StGB 83a and ask for forgiveness from each of their affected children and families, who are then granted this forgiveness and who acted on instructions in accordance with international criminal law §3, this part of the sentence StPO 153a can be waived in order to enable the recovery of society without compulsion for revenge, but the necessity of legal consequences.
This is the only way to restore the fundamental right to human dignity, or rather, it is only through the restoration of security that emotional relearning will be possible again for most people, as a result of which the “overcoming of fear” of each other will demonstrably subside and thousands of unnecessary police operations will be avoidable in the present and future.
Only out of an understanding for each other will forgiveness be possible and
the hatred that makes people ill will disappear. EmoInt - p. 265
Only through the quantitative experience of the cortex can imaginary and artificial fears of parents of each other and especially of the affected children of their parents be overcome.
This is the only way to achieve national PEACE.
Although the recovery of society and the economy will take at least four generations!
Basic Law (GG) & 53. Auflage / 2023 / 978-3-423-53183-2
penal code (StGB) 61. Auflage 2023 978-3-423-53164-1
Civil Code (BGB) 92. Auflage 2023 978-3-423-53212-9 978-3-406-81121-0
Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) 15. Auflage 2023 978-3-406-80371-0
UN-Convention on the Rights of the Child (KRK)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (AEMR)
European Convention on Human Rights EMRK
European Treaty (EUV)
International Pakt (IpbpR)
Charter of Fundamental Rights (GRch)
List of Jugdes with names and birthdate "Handbuch der Justiz" 36. Jahrgang 2022 / 2023 978-3-8114-8705-5
Emotional intelligence Ger:"Emotionale Intelligenz" (Daniel Golman) = EmoInt 3. Auflage 1997 3-446-18526-7
Digital dementia / ger "Digitale Demenz" (Manfred Spitzer) 2014 978-3-426-30056-5
Attachment and attachment disorders / Bindung und Bindungsstörungen Auflage 2021 978-3-621-28667-1
Poisoned childhood: "Vergiftete Kindheit" (Susan Forward) Auflage 1990 3-442-12442-5
Motivational psychology / "Motivationspsychologie" Auflage 2003 978-3-86800-521-9
Psychologie (Dummies) 5. Auflage 2023 978-3-527-71957-0
ASD Manual 2006 3-935-701-22-5 Best interests of the child and the will of the child "Kindeswohl und Kindeswille" Harry Dettenborn 6. Auflage (Verlag:reinhardt) 2021 978-3-497-03071-2
Basic knowledge: "Basiswissen Physiology" Springer 2007 978-3-540-71401-2
Systemische Halbwaisen 2024
Business year report - Family destruction - Germany converted into gross national product:
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